To educate, inform, inspire

WOW/ SkillsUSA Illinois Web Design Contest – Final Thoughts

Now that the state contest is over and the winners have been announced, I thought it time to post a few final thoughts regarding the  entries submitted. First and foremost, everyone is to be commended for participating. It is to your credit that you want to validate your knowledge and […]

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Photos of WOW/ SkillsUSA web design contest

Here are a few photos from the Illinois, WOW/ SkillsUSA web design contest. Thanks again to for the prizes. The winners were thrilled. Thanks again to Jonathan Worent and Shari Tripp for their help with this contest.

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Springfield, Illinois near A. Lincoln’s home

I arrived in Springfield, Illinois for the WOW/ SkillsUSA web design contest on April 15, 2010. Abraham Lincoln died on April 15, 1865. So I thought it appropriate to visit his home exactly 145 years after he died. Here are a few photos of the vicinity.

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Sign and meaning?

While returning from the WOW/ SkillsUSA web design contest in Springfield, Jonathan and I stopped for dinner. I spotted this sign. I guess I just have a different view of the world. However, can someone please tell me what is so stinkin special about Saturday?

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WOW Web Design Contest Winners (Illinois)

We just concluded the 10 annual WOW web design contest in Springfield, Illinois (and winners were announced today). Everyone who participated in this contest has demonstrated their willingness to step up to challenges and do more than just attend. You are all to be congratulated for trying. The judges had […]

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Illinois WOW Web Design contest reflections

I supervised the Illinois WOW/ SkillsUSA web design contest in Springfield on April 16. Many, many thanks to Jonathan Worent for his help with this contest. Jonathan – it would be much more difficult without you. I am most appreciative of you taking time from your day job as owner […]

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MAPS 2010 Fossil Show and Sale

MAPS (Mid-America Paleontological Society) held their annual fossil show and sale in Macomb, IL on March 26 – 28, 2010. I was able to take a number of photos of various fossils. There were not as many insect fossils this year so I did not purchase as much as I […]

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Special post for today

In honor of today, April 1, 2010, I thought it appropriate to include a few words of sage advice. First of all, be carefujl what you ask for – you might get it. Next, make certain you fully understand the implications of the day. I do hope everyone has a […]

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