CSS Grid Layout

Enable chrome://flags Experimental Web Platform Features. I recommend using Canary until this is more widely accepted.

This example relies on grid template areas. View the source code to see details. There is no float or clear. Reallly! CSS in included in this one file so you can see all code without having to view multiple files.

Text courtesy baconipsum.com.

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Meatball swine andouille kielbasa, pork short ribs ribeye sausage bresaola corned beef salami cupim pork loin kevin biltong.

Lot's of content.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet short ribs beef ribs pork chop, frankfurter brisket cow biltong prosciutto turducken. Landjaeger bacon strip steak cupim pork loin, tongue filet mignon frankfurter sausage shoulder meatloaf alcatra chicken. Meatball swine andouille kielbasa, pork short ribs ribeye sausage bresaola corned beef salami cupim pork loin kevin biltong. Cow chicken pancetta turducken kevin ham hock pork meatball shank sirloin tongue.

Doner pork chop drumstick t-bone chuck swine. Andouille shank rump shoulder, tri-tip kevin picanha meatball hamburger venison boudin swine pastrami. Meatloaf doner pancetta kevin bresaola prosciutto beef ribs. Salami picanha rump, sirloin pancetta chicken biltong pig pork chop shoulder. Brisket tri-tip short loin flank tail jerky filet mignon swine, bresaola beef ribs shankle landjaeger. Shoulder shankle leberkas tri-tip short ribs andouille, pork belly cow bresaola. Chicken beef tenderloin shankle.

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